OKtm Websites 应用

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch
OKtm Websites
עכשיו במחירי מבצע בישראלThe Jewish Books series:Kitzur Shulchan Aruch is the Hebrew classic compendium of theJewish Law, based on the Shulchan Aruch.Now with better interface, and with better index.Keywords: Halacha, Torah, bible, Israel
OKtm Tanach
OKtm Websites
עכשיו במחירי מבצע בישראל * Hebrew Text Offline full Hebrew Tanach(Israelites Bible) book! (Also available: English Bible) Features:- Choose by chapter or Parasha - Change font, color and font size -Remove vowels - English and Hebrew menus - Bookmark Parasha orchapter - Send chapter to email - Toggle Full screen - Context menu(long press text). and more Includes: Torah (Pentateuch): Bereishit- Genesis Shemot - Exodus Vayikra - Leviticus Bamidbar - NumbersDevarim - Deuteronomy Neviim (Prophets): Yehoshua - Joshua Shoftim- Judges Shmuel I - I Samuel Shmuel II - II Samuel Melachim I - IKings Melachim II - II Kings Yeshayahu- Isaiah Yirmiyahu - JeremiahYechezkel - Ezekiel Hoshea - Hosea Yoel - Joel Amos Ovadiah -Obadiah Yonah - Jonah Michah - Micah Nachum - Nahum Chavakuk -Habakkuk Tzefaniah - Zephaniah Chaggai - Haggai Zechariah MalachiKetuvim (Writings): Tehillim - Psalms Mishlei - Proverbs Iyov - JobShir Hashirim - Song of Songs Rut - Ruth Eichah - LamentationsKohelet - Ecclesiastes Esther Daniel Ezra Nechemiah - NehemiahDivrei Hayamim I - I Chronicles Divrei Hayamim II - II Chronicles
OKtm English Torah
OKtm Websites
עכשיו במחירי מבצע בישראל* English Text* Fully revised. New interface.Offline full English (Israelites) Torah book!(Hebrew text version also available)Features:- Change font, color and font size- English and Hebrew menus- Bookmarks- Send chapter to email- Toggle Full screen- Context menu (long press text).and more.Includes:Bereshit-GenesisShemot-ExodusVayyiqra-LeviticusBemidbar-NumbersDevarim-Deuteronomy
Jewish Books - Mahane Shechina
OKtm Websites
By Rabbi Eliezer CohenInfuse your Jewish year with new meaning.Divides the Jewish year into 3 segments, creating a ladder ofspiritual growth.Based on contemporary Musar works. Author's recent works havereceived approbations of leading Rabbinical personalities such asthe Rosh Yeshiva of Lakewood, R'M Kotler.(Hebrew)
Jewish Books - Sefer HaHinuch
OKtm Websites
ספר החינוך♔ Free With ads♔ Works on Android 1.6 and up!♔ No need to install fonts or root phone!"Book of Education", is a work which systematically discussesthe 613 commandments of the Torah. Published anonymously in 13thcentury Spain. It is based upon Maimonides' system of countingFeatures:=========♔ Change text appearance. Many fonts available.♔ Full Hebrew and English menus♔ Convenient context menu (can be disabled)♔ Full screen option♔ Pinch and Zoom option♔ No internet connection required♔ Supports all screen sizes♔ Supports rooted devices, or Hebrew System (Israeli cellphones)♔ Installs on SD card to save spaceand more!Keywords: Hebrew, Jew, Jewish, Israel, Siddurישראל, בית כנסת,תהילים, תורה, יהודי, יהדות, תפילה, תפילות
OKtm English Siddur
OKtm Websites
עכשיו במחירי מבצע בישראל* Most popular Siddur in the market!With: Prayer direction, Zmanim, Holidays, identify day of weekand more.
Jewish Books: Mesilat Yesharim
OKtm Websites
* Free With adsAn ethical text composed by the influential Rabbi Moshe ChaimLuzzatto.Keywords: Hebrew, Torah, Tefilah, Jew, Israel
Jewish Books- Shmirat Halashon
OKtm Websites
* Free With adsA book on the Jewish laws of speech written by Rabbi Yisrael MeirHaCohen.The book is about the mitzvot relating to correct speech and theprohibitions of gosip and slander.Keywords: Hebrew, Halacha, Torah, bible, Israel
Hebrew Keyboard
OKtm Websites
* Please follow instructions below to install keyboard. Keyboardwill NOT show unless you do both steps!!! * Regular version - willwork on small screens and Tablet screens. מקלדת עברית Hebrew textanywhere on your Android! * Requires Android 2.2 and up. No need toroot cell phone or installing Hebrew fonts! After installation:from settings, Language & Keyboard, add "Hebrew Keyboard". Thenon some Cell phones you can choose Input method, and Choose HebrewKeyboard. On others you need to: long-press any field that islooking for text entry (for example on the address text field ofyour Internet Browser), and switch to Hebrew Keyboard. Keyword:Hebrew, font
Hebrew Prayers
OKtm Websites
* No ads version Hebrew Prayers is a pack of the essential JewishTefillot and Segulot. Can change Font size and color! Includes: -Tefilat Hamazon - Meein Shalosh - Tefilas Haderech - Shir Hasirim -Tikun Klali - Perek Shira - Nishmat - Parashat Haman - ParashatHaKetoret - Tefilah Le Parnasa - Iggeret HaRamban - Tefilat HaShlahand more! Keywords: Torah, Tefilah, Jew, Israel
Hebrew Keyboard - Small
OKtm Websites
* Please follow instructions below to install keyboard. Keyboardwill NOT show unless you do both steps!!! * Small version - willwork better on smaller Android screens. Regular version availabletoo. מקלדת עברית Hebrew text anywhere on your Android! * RequiresAndroid 2.2 and up. No need to root cell phone or installing Hebrewfonts! After installation: from settings, Language & Keyboard,add "HebKeyboard". Then on some Cell phones you can choose Inputmethod, and Choose Hebrew Keyboard. On others you need to:long-press any field that is looking for text entry (for example onthe address text field of your Internet Browser), and switch toHebrew Keyboard. Keyword: Hebrew, font
Jewish Books: Rambam
OKtm Websites
רמב"ם היד החזקה ♔ Free With ads ♔ Works on Android 1.6 and up! ♔ Noneed to install fonts or root phone! Mishne Torah, "Sefer Yadha-Chazaka", is a code of Jewish law (Halacha) authored byMaimonides (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, also known as "Rambam"),compiled between 1170 and 1180. Details all of Jewish observance,the Oral Law. Features: ========= ♔ Change text appearance. Manyfonts available. ♔ Full Hebrew and English menus ♔ Convenientcontext menu (can be disabled) ♔ Full screen option ♔ Pinch andZoom option ♔ No internet connection required ♔ Supports all screensizes ♔ Supports rooted devices, or Hebrew System (Israeli cellphones) ♔ Installs on SD card to save space and more!
OKtm Tehillim
OKtm Websites
עכשיו במחירי מבצע בישראל Hebrew text. English version alsoavailable! Take your Tehillim \ Psalms \ תהילים with you. Read bychapter, by day of the week or by day of month. Read Psalm 119(composed according to the Hebrew alphabet, eight verses for eachletter. It is customary to recite the verses that comprise theletters of the person's Hebrew name when praying for him or her).Features: - Change font, color and font size - Remove vowels -English and Hebrew menus - Bookmarks - Send chapter to email -Toggle Full screen - Context menu (long press text). and more.
Duties Of The Heart
OKtm Websites
(English Text) Translation and summary of BACHYE'S "Duties of theHeart" by EDWIN COLLINS: A unique work that linked East & Westphilosophies. It combines elements drawn mysticism of the Arabs,from Biblical and Rabbinic Judaism, and from Greek thought.Keywords: Hebrew, Bible, Torah, Jew, Israel
Jewish Prayers
OKtm Websites
(English text) Prayers is a pack of the essential Jewish Tefillotand Segulot. Can change Font size and color! Includes: - The TenCommandments - Tefilat Hamazon - Meein Shalosh - Tefilas Haderech -Ethics Of The Fathers - Shir Hasirim - Tikun Klali - VariousBlessings - Nishmat - Prayer For Sustenance - Igeret Ha’ramban -Tefilat HaShlah Hakadosh Keywords: Hebrew, Torah, Tefilah, Jew,Israel
Jewish Books Rambam Yad Hazaka
OKtm Websites
Mishne Torah, also known as "SeferYadha-Chazaka", is a code of Jewish religious law (Halacha)authoredby Maimonides (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, also known as"Rambam"),compiled between 1170 and 1180.Details all of Jewish observance, and provides a completestatementof the Oral Law.Keywords: Hebrew, Israel, Bible
OKtm Siddur Sefarad
OKtm Websites
עכשיו במחירי מבצע בישראל* We allow 24 hours test drive of our All-in-one-Siddur! Don'tlikeit? Get a full refund!Jewish Hebrew Weekday Siddur סידור לימות השבוע בעברית♔ Most popular Siddur in the market. Some of the comments aboutourSiddur:"I have downloaded 6 siddurim & this is the one I use""Best siddur I have used to date"♔ Works on Android 1.6 and up!♔ No need to install fonts or root phone!♔ Added Shake feature, Random Halacha, and Add personalevents,Minyan's Billboard and more fonts (We are aware not allarealigned, but this is a known issue coming from the AndroidOS).♔ Please send feedback directly to us. We fix quick. PleaseDon'tsend feedback to the Market :(Also - try to uninstall first if you see issues whileinstallingMain Features:==============♔ Easy to navigate Hebrew Siddur, includes Shacharit,Mincha,Maariv, Benching, Hallel, Musaf, Omer counts etc.♔ Dynamic\Smart Siddur: text changes according to time, dayorevent. Sections automatically added or removed as needed.For example, will include when needed: Megilat Esther, Omercount,Hallel, Musaf Rosh Chodesh, Musaf for festivals, TaanitTorahreading and Haftara etc.♔ Weekly Torah portion. Special Torah reading available too(ForRosh Chodesh, Haftara for Taanit, Holiday reading likeMegilatEsther, etc.)♔ Minyanim Platform:- Look for the nearest Minyan.- Read and Post announcements and events for Minyan.- Get information (Nusach, Prayer times, address etc.) Click togetmore (Street view, call the Rabbi, etc.)♔ Zmanim are according to current GPS location or by USZip\WorldCity. You can change date, and see in advance Candlelighting, WhenShabbat ends etc. Click on Zman to get moreopinions.♔ Jewish Luach (calendar): Jewish & Civil date, weeklyParashah,Omer count, upcoming events (Rosh Chodesh, Holiday etc.),add yourown personal events (Yahrzeit, Anniversary,Birthday).♔ Prayer direction: calculate the direction to Jerusalemaccordingto your location (3 types of calculations).♔ Other prayers: Shir Hashirim, Tikun Klali, Perek Shira,Tefilahfor sustenance and more.♔ Learn a daily Random Halacha after prayer.♔ Hebrew Songs: listen to songs in Hebrew, includes lyrics.♔ Other tools: Mirror (reflection) to check Head Tefillin,sendZmanim, Events or parts of Siddur to email, and more.Other Features:===============♔ Change text appearance. Many fonts available.♔ Full Hebrew and English menus♔ Convenient context menu (can be disabled)♔ Shake feature: when you see the shake icon shake to get:Zmanim reminders according to prayerTefillin mirror while wearing themPrayer direction compass before Amidah♔ Mishebrach (prayer for the sick) can be added to Siddur♔ Full screen option♔ Pinch and Zoom option♔ Add a pasuk\phrase for your name after tefilah♔ No internet connection required♔ Return to last location in Siddur♔ Supports all sizes of screens♔ Supports rooted devices, or Hebrew System (Israelicellphones)♔ Installs on SD card to save space♔ Help fileand more!
Jewish Books - Braslev
OKtm Websites
* Free With ads* Hebrew Text *Books from Rebbe Nachman of Braslev (Uman):Likutei Moharan A, B and Sefer HamidotKeywords: Hebrew, Jew, Breslav, Braslav, Torah, bible,Israel
OKtm Siddur Ashkenaz
OKtm Websites
עכשיו במחירי מבצע בישראל* We allow 24 hours test drive of our All-in-One Siddur! Don'tlikeit? Get a full refund!Jewish Hebrew Weekday Siddur סידור לימות השבוע בעברית♔ Most popular Siddur in the market. Some of the comments aboutourSiddur:"I have downloaded 6 siddurim & this is the one I use""Best siddur I have used to date"♔ Works on Android 1.6 and up!♔ No need to install fonts or root phone!♔ Added Shake feature, Random Halacha, and Add personalevents,Minyan's Billboard and more fonts (We are aware not allarealigned, but this is a known issue coming from the AndroidOS).♔ Please send feedback directly to us. We fix quick. PleaseDon'tsend feedback to the Market :(Also - try to uninstall first if you see issues whileinstallingMain Features:==============♔ Easy to navigate Hebrew Siddur, includes Shacharit,Mincha,Maariv, Benching, Hallel, Musaf, Omer counts etc.♔ Dynamic\Smart Siddur: text changes according to time, dayorevent. Sections automatically added or removed as needed.For example, will include when needed: Megilat Esther, Omercount,Hallel, Musaf Rosh Chodesh, Musaf for festivals, TaanitTorahreading and Haftara etc.♔ Weekly Torah portion. Special Torah reading available too(ForRosh Chodesh, Haftara for Taanit, Holiday reading likeMegilatEsther, etc.)♔ Minyanim Platform:- Look for the nearest Minyan.- Read and Post announcements and events for Minyan.- Get information (Nusach, Prayer times, address etc.) Click togetmore (Street view, call the Rabbi, etc.)♔ Zmanim are according to current GPS location or by USZip\WorldCity. You can change date, and see in advance Candlelighting, WhenShabbat ends etc. Click on Zman to get moreopinions.♔ Jewish Luach (calendar): Jewish & Civil date, weeklyParashah,Omer count, upcoming events (Rosh Chodesh, Holiday etc.),add yourown personal events (Yahrzeit, Anniversary,Birthday).♔ Prayer direction: calculate the direction to Jerusalemaccordingto your location (3 types of calculations).♔ Other prayers: Shir Hashirim, Tikun Klali, Perek Shira,Tefilahfor sustenance and more.♔ Learn a daily Random Halacha after prayer.♔ Hebrew Songs: listen to songs in Hebrew, includes lyrics.♔ Other tools: Mirror (reflection) to check Head Tefillin,sendZmanim, Events or parts of Siddur to email, and more.Other Features:===============♔ Change text appearance. Many fonts available.♔ Full Hebrew and English menus♔ Convenient context menu (can be disabled)♔ Shake feature: when you see the shake icon shake to get:Zmanim reminders according to prayerTefillin mirror while wearing themPrayer direction compass before Amidah♔ Mishebrach (prayer for the sick) can be added to Siddur♔ Full screen option♔ Pinch and Zoom option♔ Add a pasuk\phrase for your name after tefilah♔ No internet connection required♔ Return to last location in Siddur♔ Supports all sizes of screens♔ Supports rooted devices, or Hebrew System (Israelicellphones)♔ Installs on SD card to save space♔ Help fileand more!
OKtm Siddur for Women
OKtm Websites
עכשיו במחירי מבצע בישראל* FULLY REVISED SIDDUR ** Most popular Siddur in the market!English Siddur for Women (Jewish prayer book).Includes personal prayers:For the Sick, Purity, Childbirth, Bar Mitzva, Marriage, BadDreamsand much more.Keywords: Sidur, Hebrew, Jew, Torah, Bible, Tefilah, Israel
Jewish Books: Yalkut Shimoni
OKtm Websites
* Free With adsThe Jewish Books series: Yalkut Shimoni on the Torah, Midrash,anaggadic compilation on the books of the Hebrew Bible.A collection of various interpretations and explanationsofBiblical passages.Keywords: Hebrew, Midrash, Torah, bible, Israel
Daf Yomi
OKtm Websites
הדף היומי Learn Gemara on the go!
Tikun Korim
OKtm Websites
Side by side Torah Tikun Korim
Pirkei Avot
OKtm Websites
Pirkei Avot book
Prayer Direction
OKtm Websites
Prayer Direction compass
Hebrew Prayers Free
OKtm Websites
* Free With ads * No-ads version available too. * Fully revised!Newinterface. Hebrew Prayers is a pack of the essential JewishTefillotand Segulot. Can change Font size and color! Includes: -TefilatHamazon - Meein Shalosh - Tefilas Haderech - Shir Hasirim -TikunKlali - Perek Shira - Nishmat - Parashat Haman - ParashatHaKetoret- Tefilah Le Parnasa - Iggeret HaRamban - Tefilat HaShlahand more!
OKtm Bible
OKtm Websites
The Bible in English
OKtm Siddur Ari
OKtm Websites
Siddur Ari - Chabad